Modern technologies are of dynamic development. Systems are evolving rapidly and the newly created technology that can perform various works by using new methods and materials are being used.
L.A.F. corp successfully uses the latest technology to its products were of the highest quality while maintaining low prices.
With the technology of CAD - Computer-Aided Design, already during the first phase of the project eliminates mistakes to avoid in the later stage of widespread losses.
CAD allows for quick repairs and modifications of already completed projects. This allows flexibility in dealing with each task.
During machining processes we use CNC machining centers with the required tolerances up to 0.01 mm.
Calibration of measuring instruments, tools and inspection of finished products is done in measuring center. (Wenzel CNC)
Thanks to technology, we have established a flexible production system, which is focused on our products shipped to customers in a "just-in-time" system. |